Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Video of the Day

Today's VOD is an example of 'less is more'. A simple setting and a simple concept can have a powerful impact. The thought put into this video along with the attention to detail is fantastic. The CG is fine, but like any good sci-fi film, it's not about the effects, but meaning behind them.

This is Nine Inch Nails' "Only".


Anonymous said...

Awesome video. I too have been a fan of NIN for a while, and it's nice to see how they've evolved over the years.

Anyway, I love you blog (just came across it a couple days ago), so keep up the awesome blogging. You're music tastes seem to run the same as mine, and I'm interested to see what else is going to end up here :)

Connorhalo said...

Hey, thanks for the props. Nice to see someone out in blogland is enjoying it. I'm having fun with it as well.

Let me know if I start slippin.