Sunday, June 1, 2008

Radio Broker - GTA IV - Part 3

Continuing our tour through Grand Theft Auto's radio station, Radio Broker, we're at a zippy little number called "Disneyland, Pt. 1". The band, Get Shakes, break the Radio Broker mode of mostly NY bands. These two guys are from the UK.

The track is immediately reminiscent of Pop Will Eat Itself, although if I had to choose between the two, I'd still take PWEI. 'Disneyland' is a decent track, but it doesn't quite pack the punch and angst of the usual PWEI track. To be honest it goes on a bit too long.

For the most part though, there's lots of good stuff here: A good funky bass line, shouty, layered vocals and a grindy, driving rhythm. It's definitely an appropriate track for GTA.

MP3: Get Shakes - Disneyland Pt. 1

Purchase through Amazon - Disneyland Pt. 1

Get Shakes

In addition, there's a video. Although, to be honest, it's crap. A hodgepodge of budget effect shots with no real progression, theme, or any idea where the hell it's going. I'll try not to hold it against the song though.

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