Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Joy Division Zune?

Never have I wanted to own something less than a 'Joy Division' Zune. What's next? 'Souixsie Souix feminine products'(hmmm what would they call them? 'Swimming Horses Tampons?)? Oh, wait, I know! Clash breakfast cereal! It's a rebellion in your mouth!

Whom ever is coming up with these abominations, they need to be found and stopped. Who's with me?

If you're a masochist you can read more about it here.


Jack said...

I almost injured myself laughing...'Swimming Horses Tampons'

Connorhalo said...

Is your 'Hong Kong Garden' giving you the 'Red Light'? Let 'Swimming Horses'tampons 'Dazzle' you! They're like singing a 'Lullaby' in a 'Silver Waterfall'!! ;-)