Monday, June 16, 2008

DJ Schmolli vs. Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down

I've got a love / hate relationship going with mash-ups. As a genre on their own, they're pretty weak. Even within the genre, many of them are closer to train wrecks than mash-ups. Simply stripping a setting of vocals and putting them on top of another beat does not a good mash-up make.

Which brings us to this gem from DJ Schmolli. The track's about a year old and I just recently came across it again. I'd forgotten just how amazing it is. The original was spectacular, (What Johnny Cash work isn't?)but DJ Schmolli has done a brilliant job of taking apropos beats and guitar work from multiple artists and basically creating an entirely new track.

It's easy to pick out the Beastie Boys and Led Zeppelin. But watch for the Beatles guitar in there too.

MP3: DJ Schmolli vs. Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down

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