Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Overlooked - Love is The Slug

Imagine if the Go-Go's had gone to prison and come out as broken bottle swingin' bar bitches who didn't take shit from anyone. That's pretty much what Fuzzbox sounds like. An all-girl rock band from the 80's(they're actual full name was We've Got a Fuzzbox and We're Gonna Use It), they were a flash in the pan, here and gone kinda thing. In fact, even as an 80s DJ, I managed to miss this song for years, until my wonderful girlfriend introduced me to it. It stuck immediately.

It's one of those tracks where you go, 'this is over 20 years old? No Way!' . It's definitely got an 80s vibe, but it's still chock full of attitude and style. Fuzzy danceable guitars, synthesizers that aren't over the top, and half-sung, half-shouted vocals from Vickie Perk. This is one of those rare tracks that makes me actually miss my high school years.

*Although...upon watching the video, maybe 'bottle swingin' bitches' is overstating their street cred.*

MP3: Fuzzbox - Love is the Slug
Purchase through Amazon - Fuzzbox

1 comment:

Jack said...

LOL, bottle swingin' bitches? I think not...Though they do rock. I've always loved this track. Nice of you to share it with everyone else who may have missed it!