Monday, June 23, 2008

Dreams of Death

Last night I had a really disturbing dream that William Shatner died. In the dream he was also Captain Kirk, they were one in the same. Spock and McCoy were there too. It was very sad, and personal. (On a side note, I'm a sci-fi nerd, so anything Star Trek related is going to feel personal) I have a feeling it's connected to those wierd Priceline commercials he's been doing. The ones with the Lemur and the three babies. If you haven't seen it, that last sentence doesn't nearly convey the strangeness.

Anyway, I was further saddened to learn when I woke up this morning that while Shatner was still alive, George Carlin had passed away. I'd followed him on and off through the years. He'd had his high points and his low. But he always struck me as really sharp, intelligent. One of his lines that always stayed with me was 'did you ever notice that anyone who drives slower than you is an idiot, and anyone who drives faster is insane?'. Still makes me smile.

I've got some Carlin video (his most imfamous bit), along with some Shatner mp3's. Hopefully they'll put a smile on your face. If you're near any booze today, drink something for George.

MP3: William Shatner - I Can't Behind That (with Henry Rollins)
MP3: William Shatner - Mr. Tambourine Man
Purchase through Amazon - William Shatner
William Shatner

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